Levi has been having a few rough days lately. He becomes so upset and overwhelmed and we can't help him. He has a few medical appointments being scheduled to make sure there's nothing underlying going on. I just keep thinking how great it would be if he had his service dog to go to these appointments with. He needs his service dog.
The March 2013 4 Paws class is training right now with their new service dogs in Ohio. I read their blogs to get an idea of what it will be like when we go over. All I can say is I'm so ready to be the one blogging about training! They are talking about their child being able to walk through the mall (while tethered to the service dog), for some of the kids, it is the first time they have been able to walk without an adult having a grip on them at all times. Some parents are sharing their experiences of tracking where they take the child and hide out in a park and the service dog tracks the child's scent. The joy these parents blog about when they realize their service dog can find their child is priceless.
This is the link to 4 Paws' Documentary. It is approximately 25 minutes long and there are very short "commercial" breaks during it, so please watch all the way through. This includes families talking about how their lives have changed since getting their service dog as well as the story behind 4 Paws. This is why I want so badly for Levi to reach his goal.
4 Paws for Ability Documentary
I know full well that there will be a lot of work and care involved with getting Levi's service dog. We will be responsible for keeping up his/her training and making sure to practice skills multiple times a week. We may have some transitioning issues after we come home to work through. The wonderful thing about 4 Paws is that the trainers are available at any time for us to contact with questions or concerns. The network of families I have gotten connected with will be there for support and advice. My Mommy instinct is telling me this is what we need to do for Levi. If we had the money, we'd donate and reach his requirement right now, but we don't have it and need the help of our family, friends and community to make this a reality for Levi.
If you have suggestions for fundraising events, please contact me through Levi's Facebook page or through the "Contact us" option on this blog.
Please share Levi's information with others. You never know who may want to help him reach his goal!
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