Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 6

I'm getting a bit behind.  To be honest, I'm exhausted by the time to boys go to bed after being at training all day.  Yesterday I took Kasen to track because Levi fell asleep right before we left the hotel and he is not one you want to wake up once he falls asleep.  Kasen was extremely hyper and ornery and I was an emotional mess.  I love the training class we are in.  There is definitely a wonderful bond there.  I made a request for someone to hide with Kasen so I could track him since Chris stayed at the hotel with Levi.  Multiple parents told me not to worry, that someone would hide with him.  Addie's Mom ended up taking Kasen for me (after giving me a hug) and hid with him.  Panga was a little distracted by the freshly cut grass, but she found her boy!  I am amazed every time she does it.

In class we practiced tethering so that we will be able to hook the boys to Panga to keep them from running off.  We also practiced "lap" and "over"  Both are used to help with behavior disruption.

Practicing "Lap"

Panga wanted to cuddle with me this morning for a bit.

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